Tuesday 24 February 2015

And now for something a little different........


I hope this post finds you all well?

I have been doing something a little different this week - along with crocheting, crafting and planning of course.

After I spotted an idea online  I decided to have a go at making biodegradable seed pots using loo roll tubes and newspaper - you see my 'Barbara Good' aspirations never fully go away!

 They are now done and filled ready to sow some early peas - this makes me very happy!!

Another thing making me smile this week has been having some fresh Tulips in the hearth; I am easily pleased!

HOWEVER..........the biggest news I have is that I have sold a handmade item and set up an online shop!!! I'm also working on another order and I am so glad I took the plunge (with a lot of encouragement from my nearest and dearest of course), it's exhilarating and nerve wracking and I do have realistic expectations but I've taken a leap and it feels good!!

The shop is at http://lolibellesboutique.weebly.com/ and has only three items listed at the moment but I am working on expanding this all of the time and thrashing out new ideas and I'm loving it!

In personal craft news I'm working on a crochet shawl and lining a beautiful pair of curtains I have been given - it never stops you see!!

Until nest time...

Big Love, Loli B xxx

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Just checking in!


I just thought I'd stop by with a quick update as I've been a busy Belle indeed since my last post!

I've started work on a website to sell my handmade goods - and what a minefield that can be. There are so many things to consider, for example listing fees, website commission, all sorts! Anyway, I've taken a big leap and made a start and through word of mouth (and/or keyboard) I've had a couple of orders already which makes me so happy!

I'm also finishing up other projects which have been nagging at me and having a bit of a fibro battle but the Sun keeps trying to shine and the birds are singing so with that and my website stuff to think about this fibro business isn't getting me down at the moment. (Plus I've been able to get washing out on the line) Win!!!

No pics this time as I have to get back to my hooking but there will be plenty of pics in my next post.

Until next time.......

Big Love, Loli B xxx

Friday 30 January 2015

Face furniture, foot furniture and a fresh new first!

Greetings lovely people!

It's been an interesting week I can tell you! Having had a few days away and come back with a cold, or whatever it was, things have been a shade slow on the creating front.

However, having promised the OH I would go for an eye test when we were back home I finally did it! (Yes, a few years late and I have had a word with myself).

I've never had an experience like I did on Tuesday before - I actually enjoyed it! I told everyone how I got freaked out by eye appointments, and eyes in general, (it was the only surgery in my nurse training that made me feel faint) and by the end of my test I was looking at pictures of my own eyes!

Plus, I had a fab time choosing my new specs and even though some (mainly my eldest brother) insist on calling me "Olive" (as in 'On The Buses') I love my new face furniture!!

Hello Sunshine!

 Well, Olive or not, I figured new face furniture meant new foot furniture and these little beauties just happen to fall in my (new and improved) eye-line and I just had to make them mine!

Olive Davis Jnr?

 On the creative front I have managed a couple of things this week and my favourite is a design of my very own, tentatively named the "Spring Meadow" infinity scarf!

The yarn was an impulse buy, just because it was pretty and I played around a bit and then boom! The idea struck me so I hit Pinterest for pics of meadows and moorland covered in blooming Heather.

The scarf came from a headband pattern which I altered, and the flowers were, again, borne out of trial and error and a bit of playing! The maverick crocheter strikes again!!

 I'm hoping that this scarf could be a little beginning for me in terms of selling.......

This is how it started......

 Hopefully you can see why the yarn inspired what it did. It's very soft and lovely to work with too!

Almost infinite!

 So, once I had an infinity scarf (or cowl as some prefer) I wanted to pretty it up with some bright pops of colour so.............

Spring-like blooms!

Having attached the blooms to the scarf I donned it, and of course my new specs, and headed out to let the people see my new creation..............it did attract attention, as did my specs!

So, here's Olive  ahem, Me, complete with both fab new items!

Until next time,,,,

Big Love, Loli B xxx

Thursday 22 January 2015

Fun and frolics = a flare-up...

Greetings my lovelies,

No new makes to report this week as I have been away for a few days!

We had fun, laughed a lot and I even did karaoke.......I'll leave that there! Anyway, three nights away have predictably left me with a bad fibromyalgia flare-up and sore everything from throat to bones to skin! Yes, my skin hurts!!

I can't say I didn't anticipate this and you may wonder why I would put myself through it? The answer is simple: I refuse to let this illness stop me from having a life! It's taken my career but it's not going to take my spirit. Also I spent four days with a really great, eclectic bunch of people and was well and truly reminded of the human kindness we rarely see these days.

It may have been a pj's and painkillers day but I have learned to rest when I need to and go from there, and anyway, those creative cogs haven't stopped whirring don't worry.......

Big Love, Loli B xxx

Thursday 15 January 2015

Glovelets, patchwork and maverick crochet!

Greetings lovely people!

In preparation for an upcoming escapade I have been hooking myself a hat and a dinky pair of wristlets, which I have re-named 'Glovelets'.

In a huge leap away from my usual red-black-purple-grey colour scheme I have gone for pink yarn. Yes pink!! Very unusual for me but I like the colour and fancied something a little different and (dare I say it?) spring-like.

As for the pattern, well I did a 'Loli Belle special'. I started with one pattern I found online, then saw another one I liked so I just kind of combined them as I went along. Maybe I should start writing these things down as I am deffo a maverick crochet gal!

The glovelets!x

Proof they do fit me!

Now, why make these tiny gloves? You may well ask. I like to wear gloves you see, but don't like having my fingers covered (unless it's freezing cold - I'm not completely crackers!) Anyway, as fibromyalgia often leaves me with cold, numb hands I have found that these do actually help and I can crochet because I have crocheted! Winner!

In other news this week I have been re-living my teens listening to Chicane - Offshore is, and forever shall be, one of my favourite tracks and it's led to a discussion with one of my brothers and a lengthy 'must get' list, from BT to Sander Kleinenberg........it's brilliant music to create things to (even just creating a mess or a little bit of havoc!)

I also finally finished this little piece below. It was some rather intricate patchwork started by my friend's Grandma (yes, the same one who gave me the yarn for said friend's hat. She's a doll!) and though my friend is a patchwork fiend she was freaked out by a shape that wasn't a square so I've framed it for her. She loves it!

Framed patchwork x

So, that's it for my little update for now - these creations won't make themselves you know!

Big Love, Loli B xxx

Thursday 8 January 2015

Thursday - Thor's Day!!

Well hello my lovelies,


I'm back again with another post, spurred on by Thor this time! I was reading about correspondences for Thursday in one of my many Ellen Dugan books last night and was particularly struck by the Norse God Thor. Maybe because he's a big, hairy, beardy giant (a very good deal like my eldest brother!) or maybe it's because he appears warrior-like but is also about beneficence.

Anyway, I was struck with a couple of fab thunderbolts of inspiration today so I'll thank Thor for those. I've been busy with the sketch pad, sharpie, cutting mat and all the rest of it - my ideas journal is going to burst at the seams at this rate!

Yes, I am careful about fabric and non-fabric scissors!

I'm not going to reveal my ideas just yet as I am one who likes to ruminate on an idea (I believe writer-types call it 'composting' Heidi?) plus I am a little mischievous!!

A couple of other pics I wanted to share are of my vintage sewing basket, vintage-style embroidery scissors and a beautiful bag I was given - perfect for my current crafty reads:

So pretty!!

Right, off in search of inspiration, tea and a plastic crochet hook! (Best not to ask...)

Big Love, Loli B xxx

Tuesday 6 January 2015

La Belle returns..............beware, it's a long 'un.....!!!xxx

Greetings lovely people!

After a nigh on four month blog sabbatical I am returning full of vim and vigour for the year ahead!!

Whilst being away from the keyboard I have felt pretty crap at times(thank you fibro) but I have also done a lot of sewing and found my new love.......crochet!

Now I was taught to crochet at a young age and, as a lot of people do, forgot all about it. I can't quite remember what triggered my wanting to 'hook' again but I did and it has been brilliant. I have reconnected with my crafting heart, made new friends and managed to make some decorations for Yule, as well as gifts! Whoop I say!

I'll put up some pics of some of the things I have created since September just so you can see I have been creating, if a little quietly.....

First up; a lavender pillow and butterfly for Big Nana x

In the beginning! This hat was crocheted using yarn from my late Little Nana and sparked some positive feedback.........

I also made a pair of 'wristlets' to match as I wear these a lot, especially when it's colder - numb fibro hands do make crochet difficult!x

My first commission piece which a lovely ex-colleague ordered from me having seen the one I made with Little Nana's wool. Everyone loved the original hat colours but that was made with genuinely old yarn, making it a one off piece so I checked other preferred colours thankfully the recipient was happy with her hat too! Phew!!x

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Now this one was made for my friend for Christmas, using yarn from her own Grandmother. I liked being able to use this yarn as it made the gift that bit more personal and, luckily, it went down a storm!!

A 3d, crocheted Christmas tree?! Oh yes! It started to take a good while and I had to pause it to complete my gift-making so...........This year's the aim!!

Snowflake garlands were a fave festive make in 2014! 

Rebel snowflake! 

Ok, so for the OH's works 'do' I hooked a little clutch bag, added a vintage brooch for a touch of glam, and a pair of earrings from some sparkly beads and buttons................shame we didn't make the do in the end but the bag's had a successful outing over the festive season!x
Pretty bag!x

Little bit of upcycled Indian cotton lining? Don't mind if I do!x

So that's a little round up of my recent crafty, crochet makes. There have been other goods made but to show them all would be just too much!

Suffice it to say I've sewn, patchworked, crocheted, designed, procrastinated, planned and completely got caught up in the New Year 'shake things up' vibe. With a beautiful vintage sewing basket for Christmas, plus a crochet 'hamper', a load of funky veg seeds and new craft books to name but a few of the awesome gifts I received,  I'm feeling inspired and ready to a) make my dream of selling handmade goods a reality and b) kick fibromyalgia's backside as naturally as possible (the inner hippy never truly goes away).

Bring on the New Year!

Bring on the challenges!!

Bring on the trumpets!!! (Just for my sis Heidi-Jo Swain - she's gonna be a published author this year you know!)

See you soon for more mayhem and hookery!

Big Love, Loli B xxx