Monday 8 September 2014

Getting back on the 'horse', a child's perspective and a birthday epiphany!

So lovely people, it's been a very long time since I last posted. I've been having it tough with the ol' fibro and then had an accident which left me feeling very bruised and battered - hence the lack of making and blogging...

I have managed a few makes which I will share in due course, and I'm currently working on some pieces for a special little lady with a birthday very soon.........

The weeks spent 'recovering' included a birthday for me which led to something of an epiphany. I suddenly woke up and realised I have been wasting energy on people/things whose sole aim is to drag me down/stop me/make me feel rubbish and it's time I put a stop to it once and for all.

I also saw two of my (four) nieces on my birthday and they were so interested in, and excited by, the various things I have made and upcycled that my enthusiasm was brought up past the pain and back to the top of my tree! Whoop indeed! (My upcycled bed linen tea towels were a hit for one thing!)

Sometimes it takes the perspective of a child, which is always honest, non-judgemental and straight to the point, to make us stop and reassess things. I was so lucky to have had this experience and have been designing, planning and sourcing ever since!

I'll post again soon with pics and more positive stuff!

Big Love, Loli B xxx