Thursday 15 January 2015

Glovelets, patchwork and maverick crochet!

Greetings lovely people!

In preparation for an upcoming escapade I have been hooking myself a hat and a dinky pair of wristlets, which I have re-named 'Glovelets'.

In a huge leap away from my usual red-black-purple-grey colour scheme I have gone for pink yarn. Yes pink!! Very unusual for me but I like the colour and fancied something a little different and (dare I say it?) spring-like.

As for the pattern, well I did a 'Loli Belle special'. I started with one pattern I found online, then saw another one I liked so I just kind of combined them as I went along. Maybe I should start writing these things down as I am deffo a maverick crochet gal!

The glovelets!x

Proof they do fit me!

Now, why make these tiny gloves? You may well ask. I like to wear gloves you see, but don't like having my fingers covered (unless it's freezing cold - I'm not completely crackers!) Anyway, as fibromyalgia often leaves me with cold, numb hands I have found that these do actually help and I can crochet because I have crocheted! Winner!

In other news this week I have been re-living my teens listening to Chicane - Offshore is, and forever shall be, one of my favourite tracks and it's led to a discussion with one of my brothers and a lengthy 'must get' list, from BT to Sander's brilliant music to create things to (even just creating a mess or a little bit of havoc!)

I also finally finished this little piece below. It was some rather intricate patchwork started by my friend's Grandma (yes, the same one who gave me the yarn for said friend's hat. She's a doll!) and though my friend is a patchwork fiend she was freaked out by a shape that wasn't a square so I've framed it for her. She loves it!

Framed patchwork x

So, that's it for my little update for now - these creations won't make themselves you know!

Big Love, Loli B xxx

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