Friday 30 January 2015

Face furniture, foot furniture and a fresh new first!

Greetings lovely people!

It's been an interesting week I can tell you! Having had a few days away and come back with a cold, or whatever it was, things have been a shade slow on the creating front.

However, having promised the OH I would go for an eye test when we were back home I finally did it! (Yes, a few years late and I have had a word with myself).

I've never had an experience like I did on Tuesday before - I actually enjoyed it! I told everyone how I got freaked out by eye appointments, and eyes in general, (it was the only surgery in my nurse training that made me feel faint) and by the end of my test I was looking at pictures of my own eyes!

Plus, I had a fab time choosing my new specs and even though some (mainly my eldest brother) insist on calling me "Olive" (as in 'On The Buses') I love my new face furniture!!

Hello Sunshine!

 Well, Olive or not, I figured new face furniture meant new foot furniture and these little beauties just happen to fall in my (new and improved) eye-line and I just had to make them mine!

Olive Davis Jnr?

 On the creative front I have managed a couple of things this week and my favourite is a design of my very own, tentatively named the "Spring Meadow" infinity scarf!

The yarn was an impulse buy, just because it was pretty and I played around a bit and then boom! The idea struck me so I hit Pinterest for pics of meadows and moorland covered in blooming Heather.

The scarf came from a headband pattern which I altered, and the flowers were, again, borne out of trial and error and a bit of playing! The maverick crocheter strikes again!!

 I'm hoping that this scarf could be a little beginning for me in terms of selling.......

This is how it started......

 Hopefully you can see why the yarn inspired what it did. It's very soft and lovely to work with too!

Almost infinite!

 So, once I had an infinity scarf (or cowl as some prefer) I wanted to pretty it up with some bright pops of colour so.............

Spring-like blooms!

Having attached the blooms to the scarf I donned it, and of course my new specs, and headed out to let the people see my new did attract attention, as did my specs!

So, here's Olive  ahem, Me, complete with both fab new items!

Until next time,,,,

Big Love, Loli B xxx

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