Sunday 29 June 2014

A voyage into three dimensional patchwork!

Howdy folks, time for a little bit of gentle Sunday bloggage!

This time it's about my first go at making something patchwork that wasn't a quilt or a cushion cover.....

My copy of "Quilting on the go!" by Jessica Alexandrakis has already inspired me and led me to making the little bag mentioned in my 'Don't worry, bee happy!' post on 23/6/14. (Ok, so the bag was 3-d once it was made up you'll see what I mean about the next piece shortly!)

I decided it was time to try another project from the book as it has instructions and templates and I love looking through it, so I set about deciding on fabric to use and made the templates.

I wanted the pin cushion to be bright and cheerful so I went with pink, yellow and blue; and green buttons from the stash of buttons I inherited from my Great Aunt.

It's a tad daunting at first; trying to piece together the sections and see where they need to be joined to get the shape right but I got there. The stitches also need to be teeny tiny as once the cushion is stuffed if they're untidy it really shows up! (Note to self - future post re stitching required)

Anyway, I made the pin cushion and gave it to my Mum with a bit of a giggle - it's a big old pin cushion!! I followed the pattern and used the templates in the book, I just didn't realise quite how big it would be so I did suggest it could be used as a paperweight or a doorstop as you can see below:

The giant pin cushion! (To give an idea of scale the button is about the size of a 10p!)

(Can't blame my fibro-fog for the size of the pin cushion as it was just as the pattern said - maybe we're just used to little pin cushions over here?)

I emailed the author of the book and asked if the projects in it are protected, bearing in mind my plans to sell my handmade items. As I suspected, the projects are for personal/gift use only but inspired I started to play about with the graph paper in the book and I created my own little design for a cute little pin cushion..................

Pop back soon for the next installment of my handmade adventure!

Big Love, Loli B xxx

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