Wednesday 4 June 2014

Sun, Rain , Elderflowers and a mind running away with itself.....

Greetings! (In my best Joey Boswell voice)

So having had some sunshine and been able to get some work done in the garden, the rain has set in again today. However, the way I see it all is not lost; the plants need the rain and I can stay indoors and work on my plans! (I realise that won't be popular all round but it works for me today).

I posted a picture of a simple bag last week on Facebook and within around 30mins I had had a request for one to be made for a friend. The power of social media eh!

Since finding my 'inspired hat' my poor little brain has been inundated with ideas of what to make. To be honest, it's not just the normal flurry of ideas one may expect - with fibro you can have 'fibro fog', when you can't think straight, but you can also get a racing mind. Mine's been spinning so fast I can't sort the good from the bad so I have taken to jotting down anything and everything to try and make sense of later!

A friend has been researching mindfulness and I'm going to learn a meditation or two to quiet my racing mind and learn to (hopefully) slow it down and be able to focus.

I other news, I have made my first batch of Elderflower cordial! I feel so lucky to have an Elder tree in the garden as it is a very special, sacred tree and the flowers and fruit are both wonderful! Having made the cordial (and a few bottles to give away of course) I have read in at least two places that Elderflower tea is an old recipe which was used to help fend off colds and fevers. Yet another reason to love our tree! I will certainly be trying it should the dreaded cold visit the house.

Big Love, Loli B xxx

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